
双语·一县一品 丨宁乡花猪:这么可爱,还那么好吃

2024-01-12 17:04:06 红网时刻

红网时刻新闻记者 殷铭康 长沙报道


As the old saying goes, "If you've never eaten pork, you've seen a pig run." However, many people have eaten Ningxiang pork, but not necessarily seen Ningxiang pig looks like, how to raise it.

宁乡花猪以“狮子头、铜锣肚、乌云盖雪银项圈”的憨俊形态而享誉古今、名播四方,一直都有“猪中国宝”、“ 猪中熊猫”的美誉。

Ningxiang Pig with "lion head, copper gong belly, black clouds cover the snow silver collar," the simple handsome form and renowned in ancient and modern times, very famous, has always been  "the pig of Chinese treasures", "pig in the Panda" reputation.


As one of China's four local specialty and famous pig types, Ningxiang Pig has been bred for more than 300 years. The natural, healthy and far away from an artificial growth environment makes Ningxiang pig meat darker and marbled, full of elasticity. Fresh meat can not only be made into Stir-fry Pork with Green Peppers, pork braised in brown sauce and other famous dishes, but also made into bacon, sausage, snacks, etc., which it can be said that it is proficient in all kinds of "making" techniques.


Nowadays, The brand influence and competitiveness of Ningxiang Pig are continuously improving. Ningxiang Pig transformed, through the e-commerce platform sales, become the newest influencer, loved by many people.


The popularity of Ningxiang Pig is gradually increasing. In the future, the Ningxiang pig will run out of "fancy years" with the "golden signboard" on the "promising road to wealth".

来源:红网 作者:殷铭康 编辑:田兴雨