

2023-03-06 20:30:51 红网时刻


Editor's note: In March, Beijing entered the time for holding the Two Sessions.This is not only a major event in China, but also attracts global attention. People from all around the worldcome to China for all sorts of different reasons.Amongst them, there is a group that originally come out of interest or curiosity, and then end up meeting their destined partner and settle down to become an international son-in-law. They have seen the changes and development of China and care greatly for the future of their second home, and they too have their own feelings about the government work report.This year’s special report on the Two Sessions focuses on "international son-in-laws speaking about theTwo Sessions", let's follow foreign nationals from different industries and see what in the Two Sessions they care about most.

马丁是陈氏太极拳十三代嫡传传人Martin Haase,the 13th generation lineage holder of Chen Taijiquan

红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 陈奥男 任晔 谭婕倪 长沙报道

在湖南中医药大学第一附属医院针灸科,有一个身影特别引人瞩目,他是来自加拿大的马丁(Martin Haase)。他不远万里来到中国学习中医,师从湖南中医药大学第一附属医院针灸推拿科主任及学科带头人、教授、医学博士章薇。

In the Acupuncture Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, there is one individual who stands out from the crowd. He is Martin Haase from Canada, and he came all the way to China to study TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) under Professor Zhang Wei, M.D., Director and Head of the Department of Acupuncture and Tuina at the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine.


As a foreigner who has lived and studied in China for 15 years and whose dream it has been to be come a TCM doctor, Martin said he was excited to learn that this year's government work report mentioned: extensive activities to promote Healthy China Initiative.

马丁和家人(Martin and his family)


Because of TCM, he came all the way to China


Oftentimes, foreigners’ attain their first impressions of China through martial arts, however, it's not often that they fall in love with China because of it and then become fascinated with TCM, and then travel all the way to China from far away to study it. This is Martin’s story.

出生在加拿大的马丁(Martin Haase)因武术与中国结缘,他抓住一切可能的机会了解中国,学习中国文化,并在其中寻找到自己的梦想:当中医。

Canadian-born Martin Haase developed a connection with China through martial arts. He took every possible opportunity to learn about China and its culture, and in doing so, he found his dream: to become a TCM doctor.


"I was exposed to TCM relatively early; I first began to study TCM after graduating from high school at a TCM collegein Victoria, BC in Canada." Martin said that the deeper he delved into the disciplinethe more interested he becamein understanding the philosophicalconcepts of yin and yang, and five element theory.

He believed that in order to learn it more thoroughly he had to go to its place of origin, China.

In 2007, Martin arrived at the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine to study Acupuncture and Tuina, and he is now studying for his master's degree.


Martin has lived and worked in Changsha for 15 years, he is not only a graduate student in the Acupuncture and Tuina department at the Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,but is also a 13th generation lineage holder of Chen Taijiquan.He is married to a pretty local woman and together they have two cute daughters who are fluent in Mandarin.


In the past 15 years, Martin, as a medical student, has seen numerous changes in hospitals.

“Patient visits havebecome more efficient,” Martin said. It’s possible for patients to register, get a test done with a report and even receive treatment all in a single day.



"Patients have more options," Martin said, seeing that people are increasingly aware of different levels of care and treatment depending on their condition, and online consultations have become a convenient option now too.

The hospital will often organize a team of volunteers to visit different areas of the province to provide free treatment to those in need.

Martin often participates in various activities organized by the hospital to help share knowledge about and to promote Chinese medicinein China and abroad. "Everyone can receive care and everyone's health is valued, this kind of healthy China really is fantastic," Martin said.


Because of his passion, he perseveres



This year's government work report mentioned: extensive activities to promote Healthy China Initiative.

As a foreigner who has been studying TCM for over 15 years, this news makes Martin feel excited: “In the future, more people will definitely devote themselves to the study and development of TCM, and more resources will be available to support its scientific research and development. I have an increased confidence in my future.”

马丁正在学习(Martin is learning)


Recalling his first introduction to TCM, Martin said that many things that he thought were impossible he saw happen in front of his very eyes.

When he first encountered acupuncture, he couldn't understand how a small silver needle inserted into one’s body could cure a disease. Looking at all the diseases that have been cured by acupuncture, he can only exclaim that it truly is profound.


As he continued his studies he was able to grasp the inner logic of TCM and the scientific principles of acupuncture, eventually, he too began giving acupuncture treatment to patients.


“With just acupuncture needles and my hands, I can travel the world and help countless people overcome their illnesses; which I think is really cool.”  Seeing more and more patients slowly improve from his treatments, Martin's ambition to become a TCM doctor became ever more resolute.


According to Martin, with increasing support for the development of TCM, its ability to treat diseases, the promotion of unique treatment methods and the innovative application of Chinese herbal medicine, increasingly more people will surely join our industry.


"Now my dream is even bigger, in addition to becoming a capable TCM doctor, I also want to have a role as an international spokesperson for TCM", Martin said with a smile.



来源:红网 作者:陈珉颖 陈奥男 任晔 谭婕倪 编辑:戴桢