
双语重温雷锋日记 传承雷锋精神 | 奉献

2023-03-06 13:37:25 红网时刻



湖南师范大学外国语学院推出“重温雷锋日记 传承雷锋精神”系列短视频,讲好党的故事,传承红色基因,让雷锋精神薪火相传。




June 7, 1958


If you were a single drop of water, would you moisten the field? If you were a ray of sunlight, would you illuminate the darkness? If you were a grain of rice, would you provide nutrition for a fruitful life? If you were the smallest screw, would you always stay in place and fulfill your duty?



"When we increase our wisdom, we blossom a flower for ourselves; when we dedicate ourselves to the world, we blossom a flower for the world.” One can be ordinary, can be weak, but what matters is to take courage to keep hope for the world and believe in good. Nowadays, we live in a materialistic society. Compared with thoughts like "sophisticated egoism", Lei Feng Spirit, simple and pure, becomes even more precious. It will become a benchmark in our hearts and guide us forward.

来源:红网论坛 作者:湖南师大外国语学院 梦行者工作室 编辑:刘力