
二十大·老外看中国丨长沙通 湖南味 90后土库曼斯坦帅小伙酷爱网红长沙

2022-10-17 10:34:30 红网时刻


Editor's note:Nowadays, Chinese achievements have attracted worldwide attention. As the world's second-biggest economy, we are going forward to the center of the world stage. Many foreigners who are living in China have witnessed not only the development of China, but the happiness rooted from the sustainable development of the economy, technology, society, culture and so on. Good living in China, the special reports for the 20th CPC National Congress, focuses on those foreign friends from all walks of society. They will tell you why they choose to stay here.

红网时刻新闻记者 刘玉先 何青 陈珉颖 实习生 陈颖 长沙报道




David, comes from Turkmenistan, has been in Changsha for 8 years. He say:“Changsha is my hometown.”


The cover of his Wechat moment comes from a short video called “Infinite Changsha” which is very popular online. Speak of local food, he confess that can not have a meal without spicy. And he was surprised by the development of Changsha every year. You are likely to be impressed by his knowing of Changsha, he seems to know everything about the city.


In 2014, David arrived in Changsha and majored in urban and rural planning in Railway Campus of Central South University, because he interests in the major and loves Chinese culture all the time.


“The city is totally different from the time when I arrived in the first time. For example, there was only one line subway, No.2,in2014. Now there are 6 lines.” It is convenient for him to go everywhere due to the subway station in the front of his school gate.




“Changsha is a city of happiness, where many young people are likely to be here for delicious local dishes, beautiful sights, and potential for growth”,David says. He plans to find a job in Changsha after graduation, and would like to make some efforts to the development of his second hometown.


Due to the need of learning, David has visited many villages in Hunan in the past 8 years. He says, there were many muddy and stone in roads several years ago. With the development of these villages, all road are in good condition now.


In recent years,the development ofthe villages of Hunan provinceis very quickly, in which the living environment become more and more beautiful, the agriculture is going to integrate with science and technology. For example, farming relied on artificial fertilization and personal monitoring in the past time, Whereas it can be finished by the more intelligent means such as sowing by unmanned drones. “All of these are worth to be learned by my country”, David says.



二十大·老外看中国 | 卢旺达留学生艾森:一键支付、基建速度,中国令人惊叹



来源:红网 作者:刘玉先 何青 陈珉颖 陈颖 编辑:江雪