

2022-09-17 17:03:29 红网时刻



当我刚开始学习汉语时,一位老师来我们班上演奏古筝,我深受震撼。古筝的声音独特、清晰、悦耳,让我联想到了山川与森林。我看着我的同学,我意识到他们也喜欢音乐。他们当中的许多人不喜欢小提琴或钢琴之类的古典音乐,但当他们听到古筝时却一动不动。老师弹奏了30分钟古筝,让我们意犹未尽,于是要求老师为我们多弹奏几首。她也很感动,所以后来她主动提出教我们如何演奏古筝。尽管我们许多人对此一无所知,但也逐渐学到了一些新的东西。我们为此学习了 6 个月的古筝,当然也有些同学继续学习二胡和琵琶。这些中国乐器非常昂贵,而且在其他国家很难找到。我还有一个好朋友在练习古琴,她甚至为此去中国学习了两年。


我们说,乐器仿佛人的声音一般,事实上也有一些明显不同。有一个音乐老师,他能分辨出各种乐器的声音,甚至能猜出乐器的年代, 但他未必能深刻了解中国乐器。









在任何西部电影或西部牛仔故事中,都有一个人在演奏班卓琴。 声音是快乐的,同时表达了自由和孤独的喜悦。 一首来自美国民间传说的著名歌曲的歌词,描述了勇敢的牛仔骑着马和班卓琴旅行的情景。



The culture exchange stall- Bilingual column-Unique Chinese musical instruments, capable of playing the charm of civilization

Music can bring together people and can bring happiness in any language and from any country. Music brings people together and can help in relaxing, making any moment unforgettable.

When I first started to learn Chinese and a teacher came and play theGuzheng at our class I was shocked. The unique sound was clear, pleasant and made me think of mountains, rivers and forest. I looked at my classmates and I realized that they were enjoying the music as well. Many of them did not like classical music like violin or piano, but when they heard the Guzheng they did not move. The teacher played the Guzheng for 30 minutes, but we all asked to play more. She was also impressed, so later she offered to teach them how to play Guzheng. Although many of us did not know much about it, but we gradually discovered something new. We studied the GuZheng for 6 months and of course there were some classmates who continued to study Erhu and Pipa. These Chinese instruments are hard to find and very expensive in other country so it was very difficult for us to practice. Except guzheng, a good friend of mine practiced GuQin and she even went to China for two years to study.

The magic of the Chinese instruments is about the feeling that everyone feels once they listen: while playing these instruments, they can travel through time in a place of peacefulness, tranquility, of a war or a brave heros story, depending on the song. By looking at the instruments we can find a resemblance with other instruments from our country, but the sound is very different.

There is a saying that instruments are like peoples voices. Ordinary, but very different. There is a music teacher that could distinguish the sound of every different instrument and could even guess the age of the instrument. However, he did not know much about the Chinese instruments.

When I had important exams, I wanted to find some peaceful moments so I always listen to some traditional Chinese music while learning. Even nowadays on YouTube when you search “relaxing music” most results include Chinese music. Chinese flute is quite popular and many of my classmates used to listen to it.

Erhu and Rebab

When it comes to instruments, many Asian countries have similarities, like Malaysia has the rebab, which is a three-stringed instrument, that is similar with erhu. The most popular song is Horse Racing, that expresses the power you need in any moment of life. Once I listened to this song, I felt that I could win anything and I could learn anything no matter, how hard, even Chinese.

The Malaysian Rebab is famous in Malaysia and has a very peculiar sound, similar to erhu. It came from North Africa and is a traditional instrument in many Asian countries. It has a very pleasant sound, and although some think it is sad, it is used in healing both the mind and the body.

Guzheng and Tambal

There are two instruments that sound similar to a peculiar European instrument, mostly present at weddings ceremonies:Guzheng and YangQin with the western Tambal. The GuZheng has around 25 strings, the Tambal has 39 or even more but the yangqin has 144 strings. They are mostly similar in appearance. Bamboo sticks are used to play the YangQin so there is another similarity, but the sound is very different.

Pipa, Ruan and Banjo

One American student noticed the sweet sound of a ChinesePipa that is very unique and he started to listen to it every day. Since then, he learned more about Chinese instruments. He then discovered the Ruan and he remembered that back at home he has a Banjo.

In any western movie or western story with cowboy there is a man playing theBanjo. The sound is happy, expressing the joy of freedom and loneliness at the same time. The lyrics of a famous song from American folklore describe the brave cowboy traveling with a horse and a Banjo.

The musical instruments or the characteristics of the music coming from different countries in the world, as we found in this country with long history, China, the musical instruments here are quite unique, coupled with rich historical heritage, which gives people a different feeling and makes people eager to feel the beauty of this life. It is true, unique Chinese musical instrumentsare capable of playing the charm of civilization.

Of course, music is a common language for all people in the world. We also expect that musical instruments from different countries in the world can exhibit their style and play a march of a civilized society together to make the world more harmonious and beautiful.


来源:红网 作者:陈保君 邓琳娜 编辑:唐盈