

2022-09-08 16:08:11 红网时刻

□陈保君(马来西亚) 邓琳娜(罗马尼亚)

没有什么能比得上月饼,没有什么比与家人共度时光更美好的了。 当第一次品尝月饼时,我觉得犹如正在吃着一块来自天堂的小蛋糕。蛋糕的装饰也非常精美,有很多细节。我一直想吃这种特别的美味,并在享受月饼的同时享受与家人团聚的时刻。


中秋节是一个团圆的节日,伴随秋天,伴随喜悦而来。这时也是新学期的开始,所有的外国学生都与他们的中国朋友和家人一起庆祝这个节日,有宾至如归之感。赏月是非常浪漫和宁静的。 圆月象征着团结。当我第一次欢度中秋节时,获得了永恒的情感和记忆。

每个人都知道这个传说: 后羿击落了九个太阳,从此人们过上幸福的生活。后羿收到一种长生不老的药水,他想与妻子分享。 他把药水交给嫦娥保管。有一天后羿的学生想从嫦娥那里偷走灵药,嫦娥知道打不过他,于是立即喝了它。 她飞上了月球。 后羿看到这一幕非常伤心,他总是仰望月亮,给心爱的妻子准备她喜欢的月饼和水果。这是一个永恒的中国传说,寄托永恒的感情。


在欧洲,许多节日因庆祝蔬菜、谷物和水果丰收而发起。农民们出售他们的各种作物和传统手工艺品。在西班牙著名的番茄大战(La Tomatina) 中,人们互相扔西红柿。 游客们享受着开心的“食物大战”,像回来孩提时代。比利时有一个鲜花节,人们收集大量鲜花并制作出一块巨大的“地毯”。 在罗马尼亚,人们聚集在一起,展示制作陶瓷花瓶等传统物品的技能。更多人组织大型聚会并安排大型晚宴,庆祝孩子们的新学年,庆祝拥有的美好生活。 幸福生活的关键是学会感恩,感恩你拥有的一切。

回到中秋节。我想,月饼不仅仅是一种食物,最重要的是借此表达感激。 收获的秋季给各地带来丰收和喜悦,人们庆祝中秋节,感恩家人的爱,感恩大自然的馈赠。于是,这一天流动着团聚之喜、永恒之爱和富足之甜。 



Always being together with your loved ones is not like asking for the moon

Nothing is better than the taste of moon cakes, spending time with family and the Mid-Autumn Festival combines the joys of all of these. When I tasted mooncakes for the first time, I felt like I was eating a piece of cake made in heaven. The decoration of the cake was also very beautiful with many details, I have always wanted to eat this special delicacy, but I know that Mid-Autumn Festival is a time when we can all enjoy the taste of moon cakes and be reunited with our family.

The first poem I learned was Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thought ". The beauty of this poem touched me very much. The poem is short, but it has a different meaning every time I read it, and every word presents a new idea. People feel helpless and sad many times because inside them there is something that no one can give or buy. Homesickness is a very strong emotion that many people feel in their lives. Some people work away from home, study in other countries, and they haven't seen their families for a long time. Nothing can replace the joy of being with the people you love the most. This poem is very popular among foreign students. Ultimately, it tells us that we have to look up to the moon, hope we are all under one moon, we are all one big family, no matter where you are, your loved ones are in your heart, and you should hope you will see them soon.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a unique celebration of unity and abundance, people are happy because they have so many wonderful things, and autumn comes with joy. Since it was also the beginning of the academic term, all the foreign students celebrated this festival with their Chinese friends and family and felt at home. Looking at the moon is very romantic and peaceful. The round moon symbolizes unity. When I first celebrated The Mid-Autumn Festival, I realized that emotions and memories are eternal.

Everyone knows this legend: Hou Yi shot down nine suns so people can live happily on this planet. He has received a potion of immortality, but he also wants to share it with his wife. He gave the potion to Chang'e to keep it safe. Hou Yi's student want to steal the elixir from the brave hero's wife. Chang'e knew she couldn't fight him, so she drank it immediately. She flew to the moon. Hou Yi was very sad when he saw this, but he could always look up at the moon and offered his beloved wife the cakes and fruits that she used to like. This shows that feelings are eternal, and this Chinese legend holds a special place in people's hearts.

This festival is celebrated in Korea and Japan, but also in Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and many other countries. Each country has its own specific traditions, but all center on the moon. In Malaysia, this time is celebrating with mooncakes and always together with family. People also visit Leshengling Tianhou Temple, where there is a lantern parade, the temple will shine thanks to all the lanterns, which is a joy for the kids and everyone else.

In Europe, there are many festivals celebrating the abundance of vegetables, grains and fruits and to celebrate everything that a person has. Many festivals are held and people from the countryside come to sell their traditional handmade decorations or just sell their various products. In Spain there is the famous La Tomatina, where people throw tomatoes at each other. Lots of tourists come here to have fun, enjoy the fight and feel like kids playing with food again. There is a flower festival in Belgium where people collect many flowers and make a huge carpet. In Romania, people come together to demonstrate their skills in making traditional objects such as ceramic vases. People organize big parties and arrange big dinners to celebrate kids starting the new school year and to celebrate that they have everything they need and they are blessed with happiness. The key to a cheerful life is to always be grateful for what you have.

Moon cake isnot just the food for this celebration, but all the positivity surrounding family, friends and most important the gratitude expressed. The colorful seasons bring wealth and abundance joy everywhere and I think more people should celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival as it is the only celebration that brings all these important aspects together such as family, reunion, eternal love and abundance. The moon is different every night and the challenges are different every day, but the one thing that does not change is that the moon is always there, no matter how cloudy the sky is, no matter where you are, everyone can see the moon and maybe they can feel they are connected with one another. We are all under the same moon, we should look up and smile.


Happy Moon Festival! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

指导老师:刘海明 王小杨

来源:红网 作者:陈保君 邓琳娜 编辑:陈晓丹